Current Schedule
Currently not scheduled to travel for shows. Please use the website to place orders for inventory.
Past Demonstrations
Tuesday, February 26th 2019
Topic: Brilliant Finishes
Featured finishes: Friction polish and CA glue finish.
This class is intended for beginners who struggle with a fine finish. I demonstrate how and why to use the finesse scrapers to create a ripple free foundation. A great finish is not found in a can but in preparing a solid foundation so that any finish used will be spectacular. I cover in detail how to prepare this surface, filling and repairing surface blemishes as they appear.
Sanding techniques don’t need to be labor intensive, I work through the grits in a sensible manner and show what to look for to create a surface that begs to be touched. The final finish is just icing on the cake!
Nothing says professional or amateur like your finish. If you’re struggling with this final step, this class is for you. Any technique in finishing is worthless if the details are kept a secret. All will be revealed, explained in detail and fully illustrated. I finish small projects on the lathe.
Saturday & Sunday, March 30 & 31, 2019 at the Saratoga Springs City Center, NY
Topic 1: Brilliant Finishes
As above
Topic 2: Metal Inlay Techniques
Key Point covered:
-How to prepare the surface for embellishment.
-What is the correct mesh size to use for different metal powders?
-Why is it so important to know about the CPS of super glues?
-How to disguise cracks and create curves with movement and depth.
-Carving techniques with a rotary carving tool and details on how to control the cut.
-Inlaying the metal and removing the excess with turning tools.
Topic 3: Basic Metal Spinning Techniques
Key points covered:
How to set up any wood turning lathe (even a Jet Mini Lathe) for Metal spinning
How to make your own metal spinning tools, mandrels and follower blocks
How to metal spin aluminum and pewter blanks into candle cups and bases